What is 5W1H?


5W2H 5W2H is acronym for the set of seven question What, Where, When, Which, Who, How and How-much. This technique was developed in Automobile industry as 5W1H to gather and report information in full. It is intensively used across industries to report non-conformances, quality incidents, safety incidents, accidents etc. Off late we have added the 2nd ‘H’ How-much to quantify the risk associated with the condition being reported. In LSS, it is used to define a problem condition with full...

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Six Sigma Pizza – Pie 28

Six Sigma Pizza - Pie 28

So far... We are on our way to finding the reasons for poor customer turnover to Ben's Pizza outlets in our story. In the earlier two chapters, we saw the application of FMEA and Fish-bone Analysis. We have discussed Fishbone Analysis to generate the list of potential causes and verify their completeness. Thus, we call it 'an exhaustive list of potential causes' in the Analyse Phase. Now We assembled after the evening coffee break. Meanwhile, I spoke to Anand and...

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8Ds of Problem Solving

8D - CSense

What is 8D Problem Solving? 8D problems solving is one of the basic and effective problem-solving tools. Here, the Ds refer to 8 disciplines - the 8 steps of managing a problem and preventing its recurrence. 8 Steps of Problem Solving History During the 1980s, the Ford Motors was under the crisis - unable to cope up with the competition from the Japanese automobile companies. They requested Dr. Deming to support them to bring the company back to its effective...

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