Six Sigma Pizza – Pie 28

Six Sigma Pizza - Pie 28

So far... We are on our way to finding the reasons for poor customer turnover to Ben's Pizza outlets in our story. In the earlier two chapters, we saw the application of FMEA and Fish-bone Analysis. We have discussed Fishbone Analysis to generate the list of potential causes and verify their completeness. Thus, we call it 'an exhaustive list of potential causes' in the Analyse Phase. Now We assembled after the evening coffee break. Meanwhile, I spoke to Anand and...

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Six Sigma Pizza – Pie 9

Six Sigma Pizza - Pie 9

So far... In the journey of understanding the modus operandi of Six Sigma in business, we are discussing an imaginary company, the Homeparty Pizzas, run by my imaginary friend Ben. We discussed the problems of business - top line & bottom line problems, prioritisation of problem areas using Kano Model, application of #Pareto charts for problem analysis and scoping of projects using Project Charter. We discussed the components of project charter viz., objectives, business case and problem statement. Now.. We...

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Six Sigma Pizza – Pie 10

Six Sigma Pizza - Pie 10

So far... In the story of my imaginary friend Ben and his pizza outlet, we started applying Six Sigma methodology aimed at solving his problem of dwindling customer base and eroding margins. In our problem-solving journey, we understood little about making delicious pizzas but discussed the Define Phase, in depth. We covered the project selection - different routes of top line and bottom line problems, prioritising the customer requirements with affinity analysis and Kano model in case of top line...

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