Vision & Strategy Support

CSense Supports SMEs to Become Corporates!

CSense’ Vision & Strategy Support to SMEs

With a vast and deep association with SMEs, we are trying to answer one question.

Why SMEs remain as SME for long?

We believe that ‘not setting a crystal clear vision and aligning strategies’ is a prime reason.

So, with the view of supporting SME’s growth, we offer Vision and Strategy support.


1. Setting Up Vision

I call the perfect mix of mind power, manpower, machine power and money power organised in a form of legal entity as an organisation. So, an organisation exists to fulfil the vision of its founders and it continuously strives to fulfil the visions of its leaders.

Reinventing the vision helps the organisation to look at the business with a new point of view.  The new vision becomes for the business owners and managers in decision making.

The vision will remain unchanged over a long period of time. But, it will not be stagnant. So, we can say that it keeps changing with a change in customer requirements in a long term.

2. Setting up Strategy for growth

Any organisation has two social obligations. They are Profit and perpetuity. In order to be perpetual, a company needs continuous growth in profits and volumes. So, we devise strategies to gain the growth and momentum. These strategies will come out from the clear vision.


CSense Strategy Workshop

For any SME, the two engines of the business will be Marketing / Sales and Production / Service Provision.

We help the organisation identifying the focal points to improve upon. we also identify the strengths of the company with respect to its products, processes, people, infrastructure and brand value.

Together with the organisation’s team, we derive growth strategies for Sales Growth and Capacity Growth.


What is Profitability? It is the amount of money we make per sale unit. So, we focus on improving the efficiencies of the processes and value maximisation opportunities. We can also call this as organisational intelligence.

3. Hand-holding support

Action is the fundamental key to success

Many times, SMEs fail despite the Top Management’s good intentions. This is because we struggle to make things happen. This, in turn, is a weakness of the organisation that we do not have the luxury of a strong second line of leaders.

With this in mind, we support the organisation with close hand-holding support. We participate in the brainstorming sessions and motivate teams to participate in problem-solving. Partnering with the Top management, we closely monitor the progress of actions at regular intervals and provide inputs to the team. We set out action plans and a clear roadmap for the steps.

The hand-holding support spans from monthly visits, reviews, on site and off site brainstorming, discussions, con-calls with the teams, action plan follow up, feedback, course correction and corrective actions.

Interested to know more?

Click the below link to download the Presentation for Vision and Strategy Workshop with the powerful set of questions which every entrepreneur must answer before marching ahead with Business and Sales plan.


Profitability thru Productivity-Chennai-Dec18