Another enriching day!
The Business Champions of Batch 3 and 4 have met Mr Umaselvan and his fabulous team at GP Textiles, Karur for a deep cross learning session. They discussed the various aspects of the business and gained valuable insights from the senior champion.
The Champions team has got an opportunity to learn about Strategy Development and Deployment through KRAs and KPIs.
The day started with an overview of the company and the business by Mr Umaselvan. This was followed by an interesting presentation by GP Textiles’ team on the 5X growth plan, challenges they faced in implementing organisational changes, benefits they reaped. The team also shared their experiences on the ground with data, graphs and indices, which was very useful for the Champions.
It was an enriching experience for the team and they are extremely motivated to apply the learnings in their areas of work.
My sincere thanks to Mr Umaselvan and GP Tex team for sharing their experience and all the Business Champions for their time and intense, focussed learning.

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