SMED One day program
What is SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dies)?
Setup time is one of the major losses in a manufacturing unit. Normally, a change over may consume few hour every day. On the lower side, if our one change-over takes one hour, we straight away lose 5% of the shift time. So, usually, production managers will try to avoid the changeovers as much as possible. One of the easiest ways to minimise the loss due to setup time is to increase the batch size. For each order, they calculate the economic order quantity (EOQ) and accumulate orders until the EOQ is reached.
The inflated batch size causes the wastes of Over production, Inventory, Waiting, Over Processing, Transport in the shop floor.
SMED tries to reduce the impact of changeover time by reducing the time taken for the changeover. By reducing changeover times, the organisation can dramatically reduce their batch sizes. The movement of small batches through production line will reduce the waiting time, over production, over processing. This indeed helped Toyota in improving their flow and attain Lean with reduced cash to cash cycle times.
Benefits to Organisation
- Reduce Changeover times across the plant
- Improve machine availability and in-turn OEE
- Reduce Minimum Batch Quantity
- Reduce your batch sizes
- Plan your orders well and accommodate urgent orders
- Improve Productivity and reduce wastes
- Make your operations more flexible with quantity and variants
Target Audience
Level of People
- Supervisor, Senior People from shop-floor
- Entry Level and Middle-Level Managers
- Production
- Production planning
- Quality
- Maintenance
- Manufacturing
- Engineering
- Automobile
- Chemical
- Pharma
- Food
- Services
Course Contents
- What is Business?
- Why are customers paying money?
- Why keep customers happy?
- What is Quality & Productivity?
Overview of Business Improvement Initiatives
What is Flow Production
- The philosophy
- Lean and Velocity
- How to achieve flow?
What are the challenges for achieving flow?
- Machine Layout
- Economic Batch Quantity
- Cost of Manufacturing Vs EBQ
- Step by step approach to reducing changeover time
- Choosing right machine for demonstration
- Choosing right product changeover for study
- Observation of Current Changeover Process
- Classification of Activities
- Segregation of Activities into 2 classes
- Converting internal Activities into external activities
- Reducing time for external activities
- Reducing Time required for internal activities
- Tips for Effective SMED
- Templates and Roadmaps
Training Methodology
Learning by
- Classroom sessions
- Observations: Audio-visual
- Playing: Poka-yoke games & Quiz
Course Duration
1 Day – 8 Hours
Batch Size
Min 10 and Max 20 Participants per batch
Additional Support
Continued coaching and hand-holding support could be provided by CSense after the workshop for successful project completion, as an optional engagement. We can also extend the support in other areas