Finding words to express my feelings for more than a week now. I felt going back home!
Yes, was part of a social movement called ‘Payirchi Pattarai’ (literally meaning Workshop for Training) at Star Boxes India Pvt Ltd, where I worked as Head of QA just before embarking my consulting journey.I was chosen as one of the consultants in the movement. I would help to build a culture of 5S in the organisation.
I liked the initiative’s noble objective – to provide experiential learning to people at all the levels to enrich their professional, family and social lives. The long term program was kick-started by honourable DSP of Thiruvallur District, Mr Aravindhan IPS, (https://www.facebook.com/aravindhan.ips) 5th Jan 2021.
I thank Mr Nandhakumar, CEO, Mr Hariharan CFO and Mr Thiruvelan Sr Manager HR of Star Boxes for giving me another opportunity to work with the progressive organisation and to go the Gemba with old team members.
I wish them all the best! I was honoured to hand over my second book ‘Joyous Entrepreneur’ to Mr Thiruvelan.