5S Training & Workshop

Productivity Improvement through 5S 5S training & Workshop is designed to cater the needs of every level of staff in an organisation on keeping the workspace safe, pleasant and productive. It is not all about housekeeping and cleaning. But it is the simplest productivity improvement methodology. It can be successfully implemented by everyone, every day, everywhere - at every size of the organisation, whether it is a manufacturing, tool room, bank counter, restaurant, hospital, medical shop, IT  company or be...

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Kaizen Workshop

CSense Kaizen Workshop

KAIZEN WORKSHOP Culture Building Engagement The Philosophy Kaizen – meaning change towards betterment, in essence, gradual improvement.  The belief is that major improvements are possible through small and incremental changes. Unlike other improvement-events, these workshops are known for small and gradual changes leading to breakthrough results. The Culture Developing an organisational culture based on 3 principles, viz., Process Approach: What is happening (effect) is the outcome of processes (cause), System Thinking: Seeing the bigger picture and understanding everything as part of a...

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